Corfe castle water meadow 2

Updating the Website

Hello, just a quick message to say thank you to everyone for visiting and supporting the website and for following us on social media. As you can see we have … Continue Reading…

Business board

Corfe Castle Update

Just a quick update – most shops, pubs and cafes have now reopened ~ but please note, face masks should be worn when entering any of the shops and social … Continue Reading…

Corfe castle covid update

Village Update

Due to current situations ~ Corfe Castle is closed, including the Castle, Attractions, Car Parks, Pubs, Restaurants and Shops ~ with the following exceptions. The Village Bakery, Village Stores and … Continue Reading…

Purbeck people quiz

The Purbeck People Quiz

In these difficult times we thought you might enjoy a diversion so why not test your knowledge of people associated with the Isle of Purbeck, past and present.

Corfe castle crossword

A Purbeck Puzzle

We thought you might like some diversion during these difficult times so here is a Crossword for you to print off and do with your morning coffee, afternoon tea or a tipple in the evening.
