The proposed repair work to the Old Stables is now due to start on Monday 15th April 2024 and likely to last three weeks. Scaffolding will be required meaning temporary traffic lights will be required on the A351 as you enter the village, the lights will be manually operated during peak times to limit any disruption! Additionally, the pedestrian crossing outside the Corfe Castle Village Store will be temporarily disabled during the work.

The Old Stables, which is used by the Corfe Castle Festivities Committee to store items relating to activities in the village, requires structural works to the front elevation after being struck by a Dorset County Council vehicle.
For structural work to commence on the Old Stables and in agreement with Dorset County Council, a lane closure to the A351 at East Street will be in place between 7am on Monday 15th April 2024 for approx 3 weejs. To undertake the structural remedial works to the front elevation of the Old Stables, it is necessary to provide an access scaffold which will protrude on to the public highway.
To ensure the safety of motorists and pedestrians, one lane of the A351 will be closed as indicated on the map by the blue triangle with red border. The movement of traffic will be controlled by an all-day manual operation traffic light system between 7am and 7pm, Monday to Friday, and automatic operation for evenings and weekends.
As instructed the existing pedestrian crossing, outside the Village Store, will be turned off and out of operation during the 3-week period and a temporary pedestrian crossing provided. There will be road signs in place to identify the approach to the traffic management area.
We apologise for any inconvenience the lane closure may cause and would request your understanding and patience while these essential structural remedial works are in progress.
If you have any concerns while the lane closure is in place, please contact James Gould on or via the Corfe Castle Ticket Office on 01929 481294.